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Tips to nail your speech in the virtual jungle!

When we think of public speaking the first thing that comes to mind is a well-lit stage with a mic and a jam-packed room of staring faces. Since 2020, we are in a world that we never thought we would be in.

When we think of public speaking the first thing that comes to mind is a well-lit stage with a mic and a jam-packed room of staring faces. Since 2020, we are in a world that we never thought we would be in. The world has been relocated to the web making us re-learn and adapt to new ways. Here are a few tips to ace that virtual-public-speaking game!

We are usually nervous before we speak in public, be it on a podium or zoom. It is advisable to have a quick check on your microphone and camera before you start. You don’t want your insights to fall on deaf ears, literally! Ensure you are audible, clearly visible and your background is clutter-free. If you are going to be sharing your screen, make sure you have the final draft of your work ready to go. 

The session may be conducted online but it is always advisable to dress the part. It is not only appropriate but has a great impact on your confidence before your big speech. So always ensure that you are dressed sharp. Make sure you are well-groomed overall and good to go! 

The most basic tip before making a speech or conducting a session is to know your audience. This brings to our mind Dale Carnegie’s #8 Principle which states, talk in terms of the other person’s interest. You need to know what kind of knowledge they may already have around the subject and how you can take them through your perspective. Simplify things or make them more sophisticated. Tailor-make your speech with not just the content but keep in mind who you are speaking to.

Always practice multiple times before the actual seminar and ensure you know your material well. Know your material inside-out so you have a great flow while making the speech. If you have a slight stutter, don’t let it get to your head. It happens to the best of us. Never let that dim your light! 

Virtual sessions can be a bit monotonous if not for slight humor and emotion. Open the session with a wise-crack or two to break the ice. This will help your audience feel a connection with you and also help you ease into the flow better.

Given the Work from Home culture, your audience is perhaps attending several meetings, through the day. To retain your audience’s attention, bring in the energy, the entertainment and the interaction. 

Having good body language throughout the session is key. It helps build your confidence and is a very effective way to retain your audience’s attention. The use of hand gestures and facial expressions is equally important in virtual presentations and speeches as they are, face to face.

When the session is not live, we can’t essentially have eye contact in the traditional sense. So, the camera is now your best friend. Look at it, talk to it, interact with it. This is the closest to eye contact you can get. The silver lining here is now you can hold eye contact with several people at once. 

An additional tip is to raise your laptop slightly. A simple way to achieve this is to stack some books under the laptop and elevate it to your eye level. This way you can stand and present. Sometimes recreating the effect of being on a real stage can add a sense of familiarity to this new method of speaking in public! 

An additional takeaway!

Ensure you have a good internet connection. If your internet fails mid-speech do not worry, apologize for the inconvenience, and if time permits, resume. Else, shorten the speech as required! 

The best thing to do in the ever-changing world is to learn, re-learn, and unlearn a few practices when necessary. While things are virtual now, most aspects of public speaking remain the same. We just need to equip ourselves with a few new skills and push forward.